Kayaking may be a lovely way to get out and appreciate the wonders of nature while also getting in a good workout. Whether you spend every day on the water or just get out once or twice a year, knowing how to transport and tie down a kayak is essential.
Kayaks may be easily towed into the beds of most vehicles, but you must do so carefully to avoid damaging your kayaks and/or your truck.
Failure to secure your kayaks safely on a truck bed might endanger other drivers and result in bigger problems than you ever wanted to deal with.
So the methods below will assist you in how to tie down a kayak in a truck bed easily.
Significance of tying a kayak to a truck bed properly
Do you think a large lump of plastic jutting out of your truck’s bed – unsecured, to be sure – while you’re driving down the highway is particularly safe?
Any responsible driver, whether or not they own a kayak, should be aware of the dangers of moving cargo that isn’t properly secured to the truck’s bed.
You’d be shocked how quickly a kayak may become a potentially lethal projectile. So, if you’re not convinced about the need of securely attaching a kayak to a truck bed, consider the following:
- Transporting unsecured merchandise, such as a kayak that isn’t tied down, is generally considered prohibited.
- Cargo that is securely secured and tied down is less likely to fly away while being transported, making everyone safer.
- The chance of harming the kayak – whether by dropping it or allowing it to move around in the truck bed – is greatly decreased.
What tools are required to tie a kayak in a truck bed?
It is possible that the kayak will be damaged if it is not properly secured. It becomes straightforward to tie and carry numerous kayaks at once if you know how to do it properly.
It’s also really straightforward. The following is all you’ll need for the job:
- Kayak or kayaks
- Truck to transport
- Rubber Mat which is optional
- A set of tie-down straps with buckle
How To Tie Down A Kayak In A Truck Bed?
There’s something you should be aware of before we begin. If the floor of your truck bed is slick, try a rubber mat. It’s also not a good idea to tie using bungee cords because they’re quite stretchy and can undo the hook.
Now, you are ready to follow the steps to load a kayak onto a truck bed.
Step 1: Check to see whether your kayak will fit in your truck
Aside from the tying device you’ll use, it’s also vital to think about the size of your kayak and truck. You should double-check that the truck bed can handle your kayak securely.
By any means, you don’t want it to fall off while driving. For the correct amount of stability and space security, truck bed extenders can be a good option.
If you’re planning to put a long kayak in your truck’s bed extender, make sure to utilise a red flag at the end. So that other vehicles behind you are aware that you’re holding a kayak that extends past the back of the vehicle.
Another option is to prepare for a mounting system. You’ll be able to tether the kayak to a roof rack or even over the cab in this manner.
Step 2: The truck bed must be properly prepared
Begin by opening the tailgate of the truck. Then you must remove all of the debris. As a result, there’s no need to be concerned about your kayak being damaged.
Also, if you’re securing any loose items with your kayak, make sure you only use cam buckles. Nothing should be rolling around in the rear of your truck.
After washing, place the rubber mat on the floor. Make sure it’s uniformly distributed in locations where there’s a danger of slipping.
Step 3: Select the best position to tie a kayak
The most secure position for tying the kayak is diagonally. The stern of the kayak should be angled into a front corner (either left or right) of the truck bed, and the bow should be aligned with the tailgate at the opposite corner.
The kayak will be the most stable when placed on a diagonal.
Step 4: Load the kayak in a truck bed
Pick up the kayak with care now. You’ll want to slide it towards the back of your truck gradually. You might have one of those kayaks with handles for easier transport.
Lifting and hauling into the truck bed will not be difficult or problematic in that instance.
If having a longer kayak than a truck bed isn’t an issue, you should close the tailgate. As a result, if there is an overhanging end, it will be raised over the ground. As a result, the car following you will have no problems.
Tying a red flag on end is another wonderful solution for long and insecure kayak placement on the raised tailgate. That way, you may keep the tailgate lowered and the following vehicles won’t have any issues.
When you’ve finished loading the kayak into the back of the truck, look for all of the available anchor spots. Then just slide the kayak across the back of the vehicle in a diagonal motion.
The crosswise bow will remain on the front right corner, closest to the cab, in this manner. Look for all of the possible anchor locations after you’ve completed loading the kayak into the back of the truck. Then, in a diagonal motion, slide the kayak across the back of the car.
In this fashion, the crosswise bow will remain on the front right corner, closest to the cab.
If you’re loading more than one kayak, you won’t be able to keep the tailgate up. Because, even if it is tightly strapped, there will be too much danger in this manner.
As a result, make sure the tailgate is closed. Also, the kayaks should be able to lay flat on the truck bed. To make enough storage space, you’ll also need a truck bed extender.
To make loading easier, consider purchasing a four-kayak roof rack. Allow for some resting time on each side before tying it down with camp straps.
Step 5: Proper tying a kayak in a truck bed
Make sure the kayak is balanced properly on the rack or truck bed. Even if it’s dangling out the edge of the bed, the majority of the parts should be inside.
Then you’ll need to use cam straps to secure both ends of the kayak. However, you don’t have to tie knots with the tying. Simply pass the straps through the buckles.
Then slowly lower the straps to the kayak’s side. The best way to bring it towards bed is to attach it to the hooks. After you’ve finished tying, give both sides a good shake.
This is to ensure that the kayak is stable enough to not tumble off the road once you begin driving. You should make the tie if it feels shaky and won’t last the trip.
Step 6: Take your time, since speeding the tying process is not recommended.
Allow enough time to tie the kayak to your pickup bed. The right clothes and strapping equipment are required, but only if you give this operation the time and attention it deserves.
So that kayak stays put for the whole of the journey. If you’re driving in the dark, be sure you have adequate lighting. If you have an overhang kayak on the truck bed, this is critical.
Otherwise, because there is no sufficient illumination revealing an overhang, the driver behind you will never know. As a result, bear that in mind.
Step 7: Fastening straps are secured
The most critical component of these tasks is securing the straps. To begin, thread a couple of cam buckle straps across the top of your kayak, one near the front end and the other towards the back end.
After that, secure them to the anchor points on the truck and tighten them.
Step 10: Final touch
If at all feasible, close the tailgate. It will be achievable if you have a short kayak and a long truck. But you’ll almost certainly wind up with an overhanging problem.
If an overhanging problem happens, be sure to take extra precautions. I’ll come back to it later. That’s all there is to securing a single kayak.
Step 9: During the trip, there will be frequent checks and re-tying
The whole kayak hauling thing is a bit of a gamble. That’s because it’s not particularly hefty and hollow, allowing it to easily fall off your truck if not secured properly.
Straps may become loosened during the voyage. And that can eventually cause objects to fly off the bed. This is why you should take breaks from driving every now and then to double-check that everything is still properly fastened.
If you’re going on a lengthy vacation, you’ll need to be especially cautious. This is How To Tie Down A Kayak In A Truck Bed easily.
When tying a kayak to a truck bed, what precautions should you take?
The kayak should be secure if you followed the instructions exactly. Smaller details, on the other hand, will reduce hazards and improve the tour’s quality.
? Allow sufficient time and attention. When securing the kayak on the truck bed, take your time. Always keep in mind that haste is a waste of time.
Use the proper clothing and equipment to ensure that your kayak does not move while driving.
? If overhanging is unavoidable, use a red flag at the end of your kayak. If you’re driving at night, use a red light. It will assist you in adhering to the overhanging law and avoiding accidents.
? On the kayak, use a cover. Consider how much air your kayak will drag when you’re driving. If the rope loosens and your kayak floats and scratches the bed, it will be quite dangerous.
It will cause significant damage to your kayak and may result in unintended accidents. As a result, a cockpit cover is recommended.
? Take a look at the kayak every now and again to see whether it’s shifting or slipping. When driving, make sure your kayak is securely fastened.
Stop your car right away if you hear any noises coming from the friction between your kayak and the truck bed.
If you’ve had a lot of experience pulling goods behind your vehicle, you’ll find these items to be rather basic.
However, for someone who is unfamiliar with such transportation requirements, understanding how to tie down a kayak in a truck bed is critical.
The kayak is very light and aerodynamic. As a result, there’s a good risk it’ll roll down the road without your knowledge.
To avoid losing your kayak transportation, make sure you have adequate straps, pliers, and other fastening equipment.
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